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Parking Brake / Emergency Brake Parts for the 1967 - 1973 Mercury Cougar

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$0 Price: $1.44

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 32974 -

Bolt for attaching the emergency brake Pedal Assembly. This is a 5/16-18 washer head bolt. Sold individually, Three bolts attach the E-brake assembly. Fits all 1969-70 Mercury Cougar and Ford Mustang.

$0 Price: $30.85

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 41985 -

This reproduction economy front emergency / parking brake for the Mercury Cougar or Ford Mustang fits from the handle to the equalizer. 1 required per car. Replaces Ford part # C9ZZ-2853-A.

$0 Price: $32.75

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 13748 -

Premium reproduction, near concours correct front emergency / parking brake cable for the Mercury Cougar or Ford Mustang. This cable hooks onto your inside foot activated brake assembly inside the car, through the floor board, and hooks to the brake equalizer cable under the car. This unit is very close to an OEM replacement, much better than our economy cable.  ...

$0 Price: $47.35

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 13747 -

Premium, reproduction, and near concours correct front emergency / parking brake cable for the Mercury Cougar or Ford Mustang. This cable hooks onto your inside foot activated brake assembly inside the car, through the floor board, and hooks to the brake equalizer cable under the car. This unit is very close to an OEM replacement, much better than our economy cable. ...

$0 Price: $20.05

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 41982 -

Reproduction front emergency / parking brake cable for the Mercury Cougar or Ford Mustang. These are made just like the originals, are concours correct and includes the firewall seal and firewall bracket. Replaces Ford part # C7ZZ-2853-A.

$0 Price: $35.87

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Availability: Used / Wrecking Yard Item
Item #: 19980 -

This used emergency / parking cable anchor bracket is spot welded to your passenger side (right hand) front floor pan and anchors the cable. Comes "as taken from parts car". *Customer Feedback* from "Best guys to always talk to about Cougars..will take the time on the phone with you, call you back if you leave a message, got all the time in the world for you when your talkin 'cause your important to them. Greatest thing for our hobby. Thanks Lin and Don for making/getting...

$0 Price: $63.65

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 31391 -

Reproduction concours correct premium grade passenger side (right hand) emergency / parking brake cable for the 1970-73 Mercury Cougar and Ford Mustang with V-8 engines. This is the long one on the passenger side (right hand) and measures approximately 133-1/8 inches long.

$0 Price: $70.95

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 14682 -

Reproduction concours correct premium grade passenger side (right hand) emergency / parking brake cable for the Mercury Cougar and Ford Mustang with V-8 engines. This is the long one on the passenger side (right hand) and measures approximately 133-3/4 inches long. Replaces Ford part # C9ZZ-2A635-D.

$0 Price: $51.71

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 41986 -

Reproduction emergency / parking brake cable for the Mercury Cougar or Ford Mustang with V-8 engines, that is approximately 133 1/8" long. This unit fits from equalizer to rear brakes and one is required per vehicle.Replaces Ford part # D0ZZ-2A635-A.

$0 Price: $70.95

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 41995 -

Reproduction passenger side (right hand) rear emergency / parking brake cable that fits from the equalizer to rear brakes. 1 required per vehicle. Cable length is approximately 136 5/8". Correct for 1968 Mercury Cougar and Ford Mustang, but fits 1967 Mercury Cougar and Ford Mustang with the companion left side cable. Replaces Ford part # C8ZZ-2A635-A.

$0 Price: $53.44

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 41993 -

Reproduction economy quality emergency parking brake cable that runs down the passenger side (right hand) of the car. This unit fits from equalizer to rear brakes and one is required per vehicle. Cable length is approximately 133 3/4". NOTE: Please reference the photo above for installation details. The toothed clip needs to be set in place properly or it simply will not fit. You may need to use pliers to pull from the inside of the backing plate. Replaces Ford part # C9ZZ-2A635-D. ...

$0 Price: $60.05

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 14681 -

Concours correct premium grade reproduction driver side (left hand) rear emergency / parking brake cable. This is the short one located on the driver side and is an exact fit for 1968 and 1969 Mercury Cougar and Ford Mustangs.

$0 Price: $49.15

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 31390 -

Premium grade reproduction driver side (left hand) rear emergency / parking brake cable. This is the short one, 31 inches, located on the driver side and is an exact fit for 1970 - 1973 Mercury Cougar and Ford Mustangs. Ford Part # D0ZZ-2A635-B

$0 Price: $63.65

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 31392 -

This reproduction rear emergency / parking brake cable kit fits from equalizer to rear brakes. 2 required per vehicle. Equal length emergency brake cables for 1967 on both the Mercury Cougar and Ford Mustangs. Upgrading to the 1968 unequal length cables can easily be done. Equal length cables is correct for 1967 Mercury Cougar and Ford Mustangs. Fits L.H. or R.H., the Cougar uses a longer keeper than the Mustang to compensate for the added wheel base length. Replaces Ford part # C7ZZ-2A635-A,...

$0 Price: $59.15

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 42001 -

This reproduction rear emergency / parking brake cable kit fits from equalizer to rear brakes. 2 required per vehicle. Equal length emergency brake cables for 1967 on both the Mercury Cougar and Ford Mustangs. Upgrading to the 1968 unequal length cables can easily be done. Equal length cables is correct for 1967 Mercury Cougar and Ford Mustangs. Fits L.H. or R.H., the Cougar uses a longer keeper than the Mustang to compensate for the added wheel base length. Replaces Ford part # C7ZZ-2A635-A,...

$0 Price: $69.85

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Availability: Used / Wrecking Yard Item
Item #: 12200 -

This attaches to the end of the cable that attaches to the hand ratchet e-brake. It is spot welded to the floor pan and frame rail and is often over looked when floor pans are replaced. The unit you receive will need clean up, but will not be heavily rusted.

$0 Price: $53.87

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Availability: Used / Wrecking Yard Item
Item #: 32030 -

Front emergency brake cable bracket that welds to the floor under the drivers side floor board.  It is spot welded to the floor pan and frame rail and is often over looked when floor pans are replaced. The unit you receive will need clean up, but will not be heavily rusted. Fits all 1969-70 Mercury Cougar and Ford Mustang.

$0 Price: $53.87

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Availability: Used / Wrecking Yard Item
Item #: 32031 -

Front emergency brake cable bracket that welds to the floor under the drivers side floor board.  It is spot welded to the floor pan and frame rail and is often over looked when floor pans are replaced. The unit you receive will need clean up, but will not be heavily rusted. Fits all 1971-73 Mercury Cougar and Ford Mustang.

$0 Price: $27.86

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Availability: Used / Wrecking Yard Item
Item #: 14211 -

This used emergency / parking brake cable connector is for the Mercury Cougar only. That is because it is longer than the Mustang version due to the Cougar's longer wheelbase. This connector connects the two ball ends of the long and short emergency brake cables. Ford part # C7WY-2A790-A.

$0 Price: $17.27

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 26091 -

This reproduction emergency / parking brake cable equalizer mounts to the end of the parking brake release assembly and captures the emergency brake cable. A very nice reproduction!Replaces Ford part # C6OZ-2A602-A.

$0 Price: $12.87

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Availability: Used / Wrecking Yard Item
Item #: 30109 -

This used emergency / parking brake cable equalizer mounts to the end of the parking brake release assembly and captures the emergency brake cable. Replaces Ford part # C6OZ-2A602-A.

$0 Price: $16.75

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 41809 -

Keeps proper tension on emergency / parking brake cable by taking up the slack when the brake is off. Hook attaches to the bracket under the passenger side floor. Replaces Ford Part # C7ZZ-2A808-A.

$0 Price: $14.85

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Availability: Used / Wrecking Yard Item
Item #: 27487 -

Keeps proper tension on emergency / parking brake cable by taking up the slack when the brake is off. Hook attaches to the bracket under the passenger side floor. Replaces Ford part # C7ZZ-2A808-A.

$0 Price: $0.85

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 13698 -

Clip or X-washer for attaching the emergency brake lever inside the rear brake drum. Fits 8 and 9 inch rear axles. Literally used on most all Ford products from 1965-73 and likely beyond. Also called a retainer for the parking brake lever pin. The long ears get squeezed with a good set of pliers for attaching. Replaces Ford number 91A-2106. 

$0 Price: $2.55

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 31839 -

Parking brake return spring cup for the 69 - 73 Cougar or Mustang. This cup sits at the end of the spring and is held in place by an adjusting nut. It's used to keep the spring from sliding off of the front emergency / parking brake cable.

$16.90 Price: $18.77

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 41997 -

Reproduction steel emergency / parking brake adjustment rod for the Mercury Cougar or Ford Mustang and is threaded for full adjustability. Replaces Ford Part # C7ZZ-2628-B.

$0 Price: $27.90

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 41991 -

This reproduction driver side (left hand) emergency / parking brake cable fits from the equalizer to rear brakes. 1 required per vehicle. The cable length is approximately 29-1/2". Cougars manufactured after 2/69 may use the 1970-73 left hand cable. It is easy to check by measuring the cable. The 1968 cable is just over 29" long, and the 70 cable is just over 32" long. Click on the image to left to see the difference. The 1968 style of emergency brake cables can be used on the 1967 cars, as...

$0 Price: $7.05

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 53247 -

Reproduction emergency / parking brake cable return spring that goes underneath the car for the Mercury Cougar or Ford Mustang.

$0 Price: $9.15

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 53248 -

Reproduction emergency / parking brake cable return spring for the Mercury Cougar or Ford Mustang. This unit goes underneath the dash of the car and is a part of the emergency / parking brake assembly. Made from the original blue prints to the exact specifications of the originals.Original Ford specs according to the master parts catalog was: 11 1/8" long - 55 CoilsFord Part #: D1ZZ-2A651-A or D1ZZ-2651

$0 Price: $272.86

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Availability: Rare / NOS Part
Item #: 33109 -

NOS emergency / parking brake assembly for the 71 - 73 Cougar or Mustang still in Ford box and never installed.Ford part # D1WY-2780-A.

$0 Price: $87.35

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 14255 -

Reproduction emergency / parking brake assembly that is a complete system and ready to bolt in. Looks better than even our grade "A" used one at first glance, but this off shore unit will never hold up as well as our original FoMoCo good used units.

$0 Price: $100.05

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 41843 -

Complete reproduction emergency / parking brake assembly for the 1969 Mercury Cougar or Ford Mustang. The 1969 model used a T shaped chrome release handle and 1970 used a black plastic T shaped release knob. This version has the chrome handle. There is not a plastic T handle reproduction available. Replaces Ford part # C9ZZ-2780-A.

$0 Price: $105.55

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 26085 -

Reproduction emergency / parking brake assembly for the Mercury Cougar that is sold as a complete assembly. These units do look way better than our used crusty originals, but they will never hold up as well as original FoMoCo!Replaces Ford part # D0ZZ-2780-A

$0 Price: $115.88

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Availability: Used / Wrecking Yard Item
Item #: 24257 -

Used emergency / parking brake assembly for a Mercury Cougar or Ford Mustang as removed from a West Coast Cougar organ donor. This unit may have some minor rust. Normally we assemble with reproduction cable.Ford part # C7ZZ-2780-B.

$0 Price: $72.86

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Availability: Used / Wrecking Yard Item
Item #: 25355 -

Used emergency / parking brake assembly for the Mercury Cougar or Ford Mustang and is as removed from a West Coast Cougar organ donor. All parts are inspected and are good and ready for reuse.Ford part # D1WY-2780-A.

$0 Price: $24.89

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Availability: Used / Wrecking Yard Item
Item #: 12277 -

This is the first bracket to secure the emergency brake cable as it exits the firewall. It mounts to the frame rail. It is held on by one bolt which is not included, picture is for reference only. Part will have rust but not severe.

$0 Price: $14.45

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 41996 -

This reproduction emergency / parking brake equalizer lever is made from heavy gauge stamped steel and is a quality reproduction. Replaces Ford part # C7ZZ-2A605-A.

$0 Price: $13.86

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Availability: Used / Wrecking Yard Item
Item #: 30058 -

Used emergency / parking brake equalizer lever. Good used part, fits any 1967-68 Mercury Cougar or Ford Mustang. Part was cleaned for the photograph. Most all of our levers come from Cougars, typically they have a generous amount of under coating that partially covers these levers and protects them. In other words, as they come off of the cars.Replaces Ford part # C7ZZ-2A605-A.

$0 Price: $49.85

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Availability: Out of Stock
Item #: 33104 -

NOS emergency / parking brake handle.  To remove your old handle break the plastic off of the shaft to reveal the splined pin. Pull out pin with vise grips and install the new unit.

$0 Price: $8.05

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 41970 -

This reproduction emergency / parking brake handle is an exact reproduction that is made from quality materials and is less prone to cracking than your original. That being said, these still will crack if you pull hard and do not have your hand close to the shaft.  This was a design flaw from day one.  The correct way to apply the brake to reduce the chances of these handles cracking is to split your fingers around the shaft when applying the brake, keeping your fingers close to the...

$0 Price: $44.87

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Availability: Out of Stock
Item #: 11084 -

Used grade "B" emergency / parking brake release handle with bezel and cable for the Mercury Cougar. This unit fits both the Standard and XR7. Our grade "B" piece may have a cracked cable sheath and the chrome on the release handle will be flaking or chipping.   Ford Part Number: D1WY-2760-A or D1WY-2A760-A This icon means that we're looking to buy this part!WCCC is a buyer of used and NOS hard to find 67-73 Mercury Cougar parts. Usually we give an in store credit of 50% of our web...

$0 Price: $4.55

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 26636 -

This great fitting reproduction emergency / parking brake pedal pad for the Mercury Cougar or Ford Mustang. This is supposed to have a stainless steel retaining ring around the perimeter. We carry both reproduction and used. Replaces Ford part # C9ZZ-2454-A.

$0 Price: $34.55

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 33756 -

Reproduction parking brake handle for the 69 Cougar or Mustang.

$39.99 Price: $31.37

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 12175 -

As seen on Gearz with Stacey David. If you're looking for the best and brightest lighting for your car, look no further. Replacement 1076 WHITE Led Plasma back up light bulb for your 67-68 or 71-73 Cougar, Mustang or anything else you might have that takes an 1076 bulb. Please note that these bulbs are ground sensitive. Specs: Power: 7.5 Watts Brightness: 300 Lumens Total life expectancy: 30,000 hours 2" Tall (1 3/8" extends out of the socket) Comparison image - Click to view full-size: Check...

$39.99 Price: $31.37

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 10036 -

1967-68 and 1971-73 Cougar/Mustang used bulb 1076 for Backup Lights, see part # 12175 As seen on Gearz with Stacey David. If you're looking for the best and brightest lighting for your car, look no further.  These WHITE "Plasma" LEDs are a direct replacement for 1156 and will fit anything you might have that takes an 1156 bulb (or other bulbs with the same base configuration, such as 97 and 1003 bulbs).  Basically good for every car from 1950 to 1990 that uses a 1156...

$39.99 Price: $31.37

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 10043 -

These bulbs work with Cougar factory spec turn signal flashers, but they may not work with all aftermarket flashers, especially if they claim to 'exceed' the factory specs. Because of this, you may want to order our turn signal flasher that was specifically designed to work with the Plasma LED bulbs: Part #:12827 As seen on Gearz with Stacey David - After searching far and wide, to and fro, here and there...we finally found the best LED replacement bulb for any car that uses...

$119.97 Price: $75.47

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Availability: In-Stock Item
Item #: 10033 -

These bulbs work with Cougar factory spec turn signal flashers, but they may not work with all aftermarket flashers, especially if they claim to 'exceed' the factory specs. Because of this, you may want to order our turn signal flasher that was specifically designed to work with the Plasma LED bulbs: Part #:12827 As seen on Gearz with Stacey David - After searching far and wide, to and fro, here and there...we finally found the best LED replacement bulb for your Cougar, Mustang...

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