When ordering this item, you do not need to order a key blank, the key is included.
If you need more than one key, you don't need to pay for multiple key cutting services, just buy extra blanks and mention it in the comment section of your order.
We now have the ability and equipment from an old Lincoln Mercury dealership to cut keys for Fords "by the numbers". Instead of copying a worn key to make yet another key that doesn't fit properly, we can cut keys as they would have come from the factory. These are not copies, they are new keys!
What we need to do this properly, is the number found on your driver side door lock assembly (most of the time!) Sometimes they ended up on the passenger side, but they are supposed to be in the driver side door. There will be an alphanumeric code 6-7 digits long that we can look up and determine how to set the key cutter to cut the proper depths. The most important part of the key code is the 4 numbers, they range from 0000 - 1863.
If the stamping on the lock cylinder is very faint and hard to read, use fine steel wool to help bring out the definition better.
Sometimes there is just no way to read the full code. In cases like this the best thing to do is send your key in with the partial code and between the two we should be able to produce a key for you.
In 69-73, trunk key codes can be found on the trunk lock assembly. The code may or may not be stamped on the glove box lock.
When you place your order online please put your key code in the "Order comments" section when you go through checkout. Phone in orders have your code ready when you call to place the order.
"I got the keys the other day and they work perfect! Thank you for keeping my Cat happy. I will have more orders for you." -Jeff
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