WCCC is correct that these 24450 Ford original frame mounts will resolve the unique motor mount requirement for 67 Mustang or 68-69 Cougar/Mustang convertible. Since correct motor mounts for the unique 67 Mustang or 68-69 Cougar/Mustang convertible are NOT available, the 24450 frame mounts with WCCC 15307 will place the engine in the same position as factory with unique 67 Mustang or 68-69 Cougar/Mustang frame bracket/motor mounts. Shown in my review pics are my original 69 Mustang convertible frame mounts with the unique original motor mount (C7ZA-6038-F or WCCC 32879). Installed height from the datum is ~4 5/8”. In the other pic, I have installed WCCC 24450 frame mounts with a parts store 2257 motor mount (or WCCC 15307). Installed height from the datum is an identical ~4 5/8” which proves that WCCC is correct. The engine’s installed height is the same. WCCC is also correct that there are NO aftermarket motor mounts that will work with unique 67 Mustang or 68-69 Cougar/Mustang convertible frame mounts (WCCC 24022). Installing a parts store 2257 motor mounts (WCCC 15307) with the unique 67 Mustang or 68-69 Cougar/Mustang convertible frame mounts (WCCC 24022) will result in an incompatible arrangement. The angle of the motor mount flanges will be totally wrong and the installed height will be ~0.5” higher (see pic). Don’t try this. Calling NAPA to talk to the “real parts guys” won’t solve anything. I think that there were correct after market motor mounts for unique 67 Mustang or 68-69 Cougar/Mustang convertibles 20 or 30 years ago, but why bother trying to find them, change the frame brackets and forget about it. Combing ebay for old NOS part store parts won’t work either. Blogosphere says that you can redrill one hole in the unique frame mount which reorients it to the same position as 24450. That is correct, but the new hole will be very close to the original hole and if you’re not careful your new hole will blend into the original hole and you will get one long elongated hole and lose the ability to correctly orient the bracket on the unibody frame strap. It’s easier to purchase these 24450 and use parts store 2257 motor mounts (WCCC 15307). I also agree with WCCC that factory original 24450 frame mounts are higher quality than reproductions (WCCC 30528). Go with the WCCC 24450 Ford parts with WCCC 15307 motor mounts and you will have no problems.
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