Product Condition Grades
Below is a general description of what the criteria is for our product condition grades. These are generalizations that are intended to give you an idea of the condition of the product at a quick glance. Because different parts degrade at different rates, there are variances in what the letters represent, please see the products description for details about the condition of any particular product.
A = Excellent / Above Average
B = Average / Some flaws / Good to Excellent Driver Quality
C = Obvious flaws / Poor to Average Driver Quality
D, E, F = Worse, Worser, Worsest
Used clip to attach the rear deck / trunk lid moulding / trim on the Mercury Cougar that comes with a reproduction cadmium plated acorn nut. Seven of these clips were used to mount the anodized aluminum 1967-68 trunk lip moulding / trim to the trunk. These clip can also be found on some early 1969 Cougars with a stainless steel deck moulding / trim. This used clip is for our type "A" personality purists that insist on having the original part, even though nobody will ever see it. If ultimate originality is not an issue, you can get our inexpensive reproduction clip here and save a little of that hard earned income.
For more insight on this tricky trunk trim, check out our video below: