As of now, we no longer have a supplier for this part. It has been discontinued.
You can find our alternative replacement bumpers here.
Finally a solution to the sagging headlights on your 1967 - 1967 Mercury Cougar! If your headlight doors sag and no adjustment is left on the adjuster bolts then you will need to replace these as your old ones have broken down or have fallen off. Please take the time to view the pictures and read the text below to see why these are so much better than what has been previously offered to the Cougar community.
Sold individually, Four used per car, 2 upper and 2 lower. The lower 2 are the most crucial as they help maintain the alignment of the grille eyelids.
Replaces Ford part #: C5AZ-16758.
Here is what many 40 year old stops look like.
Even if they are not falling apart they are looking like this as they have been compacted from use over the years. Not only are the Cougar grille eyelids heavy but the vacuum actuators that close them are very strong which puts most of the pressure on these critical little rubber parts.
We cut this old original bumper in half to show what is going on internally. Notice how the bolt has made a serious impact in the rubber. There are not enough threads on your adjuster bolts to compensate for this.
This is a picture of the new bumpers (or stops) installed on the headlight cover. You will not need to readjust these every month like the lower quality reproductions.
Unless you have located some NOS rubber bumpers it is safe to say that every 1967 - 1968 needs these new parts.
Here is a picture comparing the very best used bumper we could locate in our salvage yard to our new reproduction. The height difference may not seem like much but keep in mind the majority of the collapsing has transpired inside where the bolt head has been driven into the bumper for decades. Replacing all four of these little rubber bumpers will alleviate major headaches for those who hate to see a misaligned grille!
Do you want to replace those worn out actuators yourself or are you looking for some great information on aligning the grille in your Cat? The videos below are your ticket!