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This kit works really well. The instructions page is a little blurry but still helpful. Remember to seal the seam where the original sealer was applied. You need to reach up there with a pick or wire that has a small hook to it and get out what you can. Then use a flowable sealant to reapply the seal. With the extra sealant on the plastic pieces provided with the kit your leak will stop. You really need to get that whole heater box out of the way to do a good job. Mine has AC co it lead to a rebuild of heater AC box while I was there.
I lucked out and only had a small amount of rot on the drivers side. I was able to cut out the rot and install a piece of metal to replace what I removed and saved a ton of money to boot!! It is not a job for the timid, be prepared for whatever you find and be ready to address the problems and theses hats will complete the seal and are a perfect fit.
These parts were needed due to the dreaded rust. They solved the problem.